Are you looking for a bachelor’s programme that helps you to combine studying and travelling? Are you hungry for adventures? This is exactly what I found when following Water Management at the HZ! Four years and more than 20 countries – read on to see how I did it.


Some people call me lucky for what happened to me but who am I to judge. When I was close to my graduation from a business school, I was praised for my good English skills and advised to study in the Netherlands. I loved the idea and applied to the HZ International Business and Management programme immediately. Only when I received my acceptance letter, did I realize that I had accidentally signed up for Water Management instead. The best mistake I ever made.

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Water Management gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. Managing coastal areas and within that study their vulnerability, ecology, resilience, social impact, economy and many more has no limits. Everywhere in the world the same risks arise but in so different environments that every location needs innovative solutions. This makes it all more captivating. Throughout the four years, I loved visiting countries, experiencing their culture and finding innovative solutions for a specific problem.

The HZ helped me a lot with my dream of combining travelling with work. With a little effort, everything you want can be possible. If you want, you can conduct 3 out of 8 semesters abroad. I took this opportunity more than happily.

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I did my fist internship on Andros Island, the Bahamas. It’s probably the most beautiful place on this planet. I studied coral propagation, which meant that I had to dive 2-3 times a day in crystal clear water and observe tropical fish, corals and invertebrates. Afterwards, I picked up my girlfriend from Nepal, where she did her internship. And together, we travelled to Seoul in South Korea for our exchange semester. We experienced a heck of a time in Korea, which is really worth to visit once in a lifetime.

3.jpgIn front of a Korean Mountain temple with a real Zen master

When coming back we had one more semester of lectures before we could leave the Netherlands again for our final thesis. In the meantime we did some crazy trips, including the Camino the Santiago (Spain), and visiting friends all over Europe.

For my final thesis I went to Samos, Greece, just 1 km of the Turkish mainland. I fell in love with the island life, may it be the Bahamas or in Greece. But wherever I went other possibilities for travel arose. In combination with such an interesting study programme, I think I made the best mistake in my life to apply for Water Management.

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Now, after successfully accomplished the study of Water Management, I decided to further educate myself. I decided for Coastal and Marine Management at the University Center of the Westfjords, in Isafjördur, Iceland. In my opinion it’s the perfect extension for Water Management on a higher level. This remote place at the edge of the Arctic is something so different. I never experienced something like this before in my life.


So after 4 years of studying in the Netherlands, I lived in 4 countries and traveled to more than 20. Always visiting friends and learning about cultures. I am happy that Water Management helped me to make my dreams come true. A good educational base in cooperation with personal goals and wishes.

Wishing for a similar crazy adventurous experience as I had? Then the HZ might be for you! They open all these possibilities for you, and you just need the will and patience to make it happen.


Last modified on: 10-07-2024