Iarima Mendonça

Iarima Mendonça

Iarima is a lecturer-researcher in the Water Technology research group at the HZ University of Applied Sciences. She received her bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from PUC Minas University, in Brazil, in 2019. Iarima started at HZ by doing an internship via the Living Lab Biobased Brazil (collaboration) program, in which she assisted in the study of an ion exchange lab setup. This was a collaborative project between the HZ and Evides Industriewater. Iarima joined the research group in 2020 and worked on the NEREUS project (New Energy and Resources for Urban Sanitation) where she studied resource recovery and the modeling and optimization of related processes.

Currently, Iarima remains connected to the collaboration between HZ and Evides by supervising students doing the ion exchange assignments. In addition to this, Iarima partially teaches in the Water Management program and is involved in several projects of the Water Technology group. She mainly contributes to the projects with modelling (optimization, control) and laboratory tasks.




The research group Water Technology is a partner in the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union…

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