The researchers at HZ work every day to find solutions for the challenges Zeeland faces in the areas of water, energy, and vitality. Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) help them with this?

In the second edition of the HZ Discovery Café - on Tuesday, March 18, at 4:00 PM - lector Mischa Beckers from the Data Science research group will explain how to create ‘responsible and explainable’ AI products to address societal challenges.

He will place this within the broader context of the opportunities and pitfalls of AI in general. The great thing is that he presents it in a way that is easy for everyone to understand.

Researchers on Stage

In the second half of the café, several other researchers will share their experiences using AI.

The second HZ Discovery Café on Tuesday, March 18, will take place at the Joint Research Center Zeeland (JRCZ) in Middelburg. This new initiative aims to showcase what applied research at HZ means - and can mean - for Zeeland. Each session of the café gives a platform to a number of researchers. In a welcoming, informal atmosphere, they talk about their passion for their work, highlight specific research projects, or share insights on current events.

They also engage in discussions with the audience. The café is open to anyone interested in research in and for the region. You can register for this edition at