The Delta Climate Center is organizing its annual event on Tuesday, April 8, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Lasloods in Vlissingen.

The Delta Climate Center (DCC) aims to make a meaningful contribution to a sustainable future for Zeeland and delta regions around the world — deltas that are resilient to the impacts of climate change, where safety, nature, economic development, and quality of life are in balance. The DCC invites everyone to join the conversation on how to create such a delta.

During the event, you’ll be taken on a journey into the future to determine what steps need to be taken today to create a beautiful and sustainable tomorrow.

What knowledge and skills do we need for this? How can technologies like artificial intelligence, data science, and digital twins contribute? What role do artists play in this process? And what can you do yourself? What impact is the Delta Climate Center already making with its three flagship projects on food, water, and circularity? And what are its further ambitions?

Interaction, connection, and unexpected encounters

These are the kinds of questions that will be explored during a full afternoon program, with plenty of room for interaction, connection, and unexpected encounters. After the plenary session, there will be an inspiration market and networking drinks.

General schedule

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM – Creativity of the Crowd

2:00 PM – 3:15 PM – Plenary Program

3:15 PM – 5:00 PM – Networking Drinks (with inspiration market and knowledge café)

You can register for the event via their website.