Zeeland and Goeree-Overflakkee have a remarkably high amount of wind energy in local ownership compared to the rest of the Netherlands. A lot of solar energy is also locally owned. Both energy cooperatives and farmers seem to prefer taking matters into their own hands here.

What are the opportunities and where are the obstacles for local ownership? On the afternoon of Tuesday, June 18, researchers from the Delta Power research group at HZ University of Applied Sciences, HZ Knowledge Centre for Zeeland Society, and University College Roosevelt, along with representatives from Zeeuwind, will discuss this with interested parties. The meeting is part of the research program on Social Aspects of the Regional Energy Transition under the NWO project Zeekraal.

The program runs from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM and will take place at HZ in Vlissingen. You can register via this website.

The program:

1:30 PM: Arrival and networking

2:00 PM: Welcome by Teus Baars (Zeeuwind)

2:10 PM: Gerrit Rentier (HZ Delta Power) – "What challenges do energy cooperatives in the region face in their plans?"

2:30 PM: Siri Pisters (HZ Knowledge Centre for Zeeland Society): "What motivates Zeeland farmers to invest in sustainability?"

2:50 PM: Break

3:05 PM: Discussion on opportunities, obstacles, and potential collaboration

3:45 PM: Drinks