Thinking about a water-related study? How about Water Management or Civil Engineering at the HZ University of Applied Sciences in Vlissingen? This small city, where the sea breeze always blows, shows you in practice what you’ve learned in class. In the midst of the Dutch South – Western delta, you learn about estuarine environments, coastal defense and management like nowhere else.



Strong connection to water

Vlissingen is a small city at the shore of the Western Scheldt in the Netherlands and is the home base of the HZ University Of Applied Sciences. This place in the centre of the province of Zeeland has a rich history when it comes to water. Over the years it has been known as the home of the famous admiral ‘Michiel de Ruyter’ who conquered the sea many times during the Golden Age when the Netherlands was a superpower at sea. In the early fifties of last century, Zeeland suffered from one of the greatest floods in Dutch history. To this day traces of this flood are noticeable, but the future will bring new challenges as well.

Importance of the water management in the netherlands example of the flood of 1953

The flood of 1953

The Deltaworks

One of the taken measures, created to protect Zeeland and the rest of the Netherlands against the sea, are the Deltaworks. This acknowledged modern world-wonder contains multiple storm surge barriers within o.a. the mouths of the Scheldt estuary. The most known barrier is the ‘Oosterscheldekering’ , which closes when the water rises too high.

Endless possibilities for aquaculture

The area of Zeeland is recognised for its Aquaculture, also known as aqua farming. Aquaculture is the farming of the future and therefore an innovative field of study. Feeding the world in a sustainable way in the near future is one of the topics you could work on after your Water Management studies.

aquaculture as a branch of water managementMussel aquaculture

The proximity of the diverse fields of Water Management are beneficial in broadening your knowledge and enriches your experiences. Case studies during the courses of Water Management and Civil Engineering at HZ give you a better understanding of the learnt theory. The changing world with climate change and sea level rise is facing new challenges and is in need of young people to help think about solutions.

Got curious? Read more about the Water Management and Civil Engineering programmes on our website.

Cover image ©EdwinParee


Last modified on: 10-07-2024