Marjan de Smit
As public mental health policy advisor, she initiated and implemented projects focused on prevention and monitoring of mental health problems and the organization of safety net care in close cooperation with the Zeeland municipalities and care providers.
In 2017, Marjan shifted her focus to knowledge development. Participation in the minor Fit for the Future provided not only knowledge about system theoretical approaches, but also the necessary tools to develop approaches to complex, social issues.
Currently, Marjan works as a researcher and project leader, for both the GGD and the research group EVM in several European projects: I-KNOW-HOW, HAIRE and EMPOWERCARE. Within these projects and with Solidarity University as a permanent partner, she works on themes such as social inequality, participation and empowerment and always from the fundamentals of social innovation. Marjan has the necessary expertise and competences to develop products and services in co-creation with direct stakeholders.